The moving diaries: one month on

Today (4/7) officially marks a month since I started my new job, and now I finally have Wi-Fi in my house I thought I’d post a little update.

The job itself is going great. Day to day is mainly trawling for social content (which is my jam, by the way) and working on some written content. I’ve also worked with both Sam and Alex Lowes on columns for SBS Mag.

It’s nice to be able to get creative and know that I’m not the only one that’ll see it. That was the problem before I got this job – I was making content that I loved and was proud of, but I was the only one reading it. I’m also taking my CBT very soon, so keep an eye out for video footage, blogs and general embarrassment from that.

I still haven’t quite got used to living alone. At times it gets pretty lonely, but with my good friends Netflix and wine, it’s not all bad. I miss my family like mad still, but now I have Internet we can Skype and stuff.

I’m also still doing my Masters degree which I’m about ready to give up on.

Mentally I’m a lot stronger than I was before I moved here. Back home, although my family were there, there was nothing left for me but bad memories. I couldn’t go anywhere without being reminded of something or someone I’d rather forget. But now I can go anywhere and make new memories and experience new things with new people, something I couldn’t have done at home.

I’ve learned a lot about myself since I moved away. I’ve learned that I’m stronger and more capable than I thought I was. I’ve stopped pining for the boy I thought could be everything but turned out to be literally nothing, I’ve become self sufficient and excited about life again, and I’m so happy that moving 150 miles away from everything I knew has given me my life back.

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